Connecting from a Linux Box based Apache PHP to Windows MS SQL server might be a rare scenario but if you want to achive that without recompiling PHP and Apache, here is what to do:
1. Go to and download the latest package. Unpack it, change to the directory where the sources are located and
# ./configure –prefix=/usr/local/freetds –enable-msdblib
# make
# make install
2. Check your PHP version on your server. If you don t know how, look at this
3. Download the same PHP sources package. Go to and get the sources.
Unpack, locate /ext folder and make sure there are the following subfolders : /mssql ( in case you are still used to old mysql_ functions ) and /pdo_dblib if you user PDO style development.
4. Go into /mssql folder and :
# phpize
# ./configure –with-mssql=/usr/local/freetds
# make
# make install
This will create extension and put it in your php extension dir
5. Go into /pdo_dlib and :
# phpize
# ./configure –with-pdo-dblib=/usr/local/freetds
# make
# make install
This will create extension and put it in your php extension dir
6. Edit php.ini , find extensions section and add
7. Restart the web server ( httpd )
Reed the next post for some hints